Big data industry is still in its nascent stage and there is a dearth of quality resources. It has huge potential in future and big data skills will be in high demand in the upcoming days. Test Triangle offers a comprehensive big data and analytics package, which will equip young professionals with a skill in high demand.
Our new BigData – Hadoop course is designed for complete begineer with no experience in data analytics. This course is perfectly sutiable for the individual who wants to start career in Data Analytics.
Training course can be tailored to your organisations’ or individual needs. Please contact us for details and prices of private in-house training services.
Scheduled start date: Contact us for dates
Introduction to
Big Data
- Rise of Big Data
- Compare Hadoop vs traditional systems
- Hadoop Master-Slave Architecture
- Understanding HDFS Architecture
- Name Node, Data Node, Secondary Node
- Learn about Job Tracker, Task Tracker
Hadoop Configuration &
Deamon Logs
- Hadoop Configuration and Daemon Logs
- Hadoop Daemon or Roles
Hadoop Cluster
Setup and Working
- Cluster Setup and Working
- Getting Virtualization Software and Linux Disk Images
- Adding Machines to your VM Box
- Installing Linux into Machines
- Preparing your Linux Machines to install Hadoop
- Cluster Management Solution
- Setting Apache Hadoop Cluster
- Writing Data to Cluster and Checking Replication Status
- Setting up Linux machines in AWS EC2 to setup
Cloudera Cluster - Setting Cloudera Cluster on your machines in AWS EC2
Hadoop Cluster
Maintenance and Administration
- Commissioning Decommissioning of Data Nodes in Cloudera Cluster
- Decommissioning and Commissioning nodes in Apache Hadoop Cluster
- Balancing a Cluster
- Managing Services
- Managing Software Packages with Apache Hadoop
- Managing Role Instances
- Improvements in Hadoop Version 2
HDFS & MapReduce
- Core components of Hadoop
- Understanding Hadoop Master-Slave Architecture
- Learn about NameNode, DataNode, Secondary Node
- Understanding HDFS Architecture
- Anatomy of Read and Write data on HDFS
- MapReduce Architecture Flow
- Hadoop Modes
- Hadoop Terminal Commands
- Cluster Configuration
- Web Ports
- Hadoop Configuration Files
- Reporting, Recovery
Understanding Hadoop
MapReduce Framework
- Overview of the MapReduce Framework
- Use cases of MapReduce
- MapReduce Architecture
- Anatomy of MapReduce Program
- Mapper/Reducer Class, Driver code
- Understand Combiner and Partitioner
Part 1
- Write your own Partitioner
- Writing Map and Reduce in Python
- Map side/Reduce side Join
- Distributed Join
- Distributed Cache
- Counters
- Joining Multiple datasets in MapReduce
Part 2
- MapReduce internals
- Understanding Input Format
- Custom Input Format
- Using Writable and Comparable
- Understanding Output Format
- Sequence Files
- JUnit and MRUnit Testing Frameworks
- PIG vs MapReduce
- PIG Architecture & Data types
- PIG Latin Relational Operators
- PIG Latin Join and CoGroup
- PIG Latin Group and Union
- Describe, Explain, Illustrate
Hive and HiveQL
- What is Hive
- Hive DDL – Create/Show Database
- Hive DDL – Create/Show/Drop Tables
- Hive DML – Load Files & Insert Data
- Hive SQL – Select, Filter, Join, Group By
- Hive Architecture & Components
- Difference between Hive and RDBMS
- Multi-Table Inserts
- Joins
- Grouping Sets, Cubes, Rollups
- Custom Map and Reduce scripts
- Hive SerDe
- Hive UDF
- Hive UDAF
- Kafka – How Kafka works
- Kafka Architecture
- Apache Kafka and real world use cases
- What are the various components of Apache Kafka
- Kafka Cluster configuration
- Kafka Broker, Producer and Consumer configuration
- Practice lab exercises using Apache Flume
- Flume – How it works
- Flume Architecture
- Flume Complex Flow – Multiplexing
- Apache Flume and real world use cases
- What are the various components of Apache Flume
- Flume agent configuration
- Practice lab exercises using Apache Flume
Apache Sqoop,
- Sqoop – How Sqoop works
- Sqoop Architecture
- Oozie – Simple/Complex Flow
- Oozie Service/ Scheduler
- Use Cases – Time and Data triggers
- CAP theorem
- Key Value stores: Memcached, Riak
- Key Value stores: Redis, Dynamo DB
- Column Family: Cassandra, HBase
- When/Why to use HBase
- HBase Architecture/Storage
- HBase Data Model
- HBase Families/ Column Families
- HBase Master
- HBase vs RDBMS
- Access HBase Data
- What is Zookeeper
- Zookeeper Data Model
- ZNokde Types
- Sequential ZNodes
- Installing and Configuring
- Running Zookeeper
- Zookeeper use cases
Hadoop 2.0,
- Hadoop 1.0 Limitations
- MapReduce Limitations
- HDFS 2: Architecture
- HDFS 2: High availability
- HDFS 2: Federation
- YARN Architecture
- Classic vs YARN
- YARN multitenancy