“Test Triangle helps in developing systems that perform with maximum speed, efficiency and stability under extreme load conditions”
Performance engineering is a part of Quality Engineering process, which aligns well with all type of software development methodologies. The performance engineering is an end-to-end quality management process from designing to the software development lifecycle.
The performance engineering encompasses a range of activities, which are focused towards improving the system or the application performance. At the basic level, performance engineering takes into consideration several factors such as application speed, efficiency and stability. It also tries to improve the application performance by resource consumption, capacity planning, hardware sizing and network bandwidth.
Today, most of the organizations desire a high-performing application with smallest time-to-market. In the past, the application performance was evaluated at the testing stage; however, it used to delay the time-to-market and delay the production process.
The performance engineering methodology aligns with the agile process and shift-left approach to improve the performance at an earlier software testing stage. The performance engineering is based on four Ws:
Why: Performance testing is used to evaluate how a system will perform in heavy load conditions. It is used to anticipate the performance issues and provide better organization value in early software development lifecycle.
What: In performance testing, production load is simulated to identify the potential performance bottlenecks. Performance engineering is used to optimize the application performance at early software development stage.
When: Performance engineering is a continuous process, which goes hand in hand with software development lifecycle.
Who: Performance engineering occurs throughout the development lifecycle so all the stakeholders from developers to QA analyst takes part in software development methodology.
There are several advantages of software performance engineering:
- Clear notion of the functional and non-functional requirements, which is integral to the software development
- System engineering emphasizes early and constant monitoring of system performance. It eliminates the need of rework and expensive changes later in production environment
- It is a proactive approach to increase the system capacity before it is exceeded
Today, the organizations are facing new security qualms with the increase of security breaches and system hacks. Test Triangle has adopted latest industry standards and testing methodologies to offer comprehensive security testing solutions. Our security testing services encompasses the IT ecosystem of network, mobile application and cloud application.
We at Test Triangle, have strong expertise and experience in catering to the client’s business needs. Our security testing approach is focused at uncovering hidden system vulnerabilities and ensuring the development of a sound and robust user application.
Our security testing service portfolio includes:
- Security Consultancy (Application level threat assessment)
- Packaged Application Security Testing
- Security Testing Center of Excellence
- Mobile Lab for Security Testing
- Threat Modelling
- Security audit
- Dynamic Analysis
- Penetration testing
Salient features of Test Triangle’s testing services:
- Authentication and authorization exploits
- Cross-site scripting exploits
- DNS poisoning
- Network and port scanning
- Session hijacking
The key benefits achieved with Test Triangle’s testing services are:
- Preventing data theft and downtime by creating early warnings signs for system vulnerabilities
- We help our clients in meeting regulatory compliances
- All-inclusive testing reports, which can help the organization in strategic and tactical decision-making